Friday 1 July 2005


After a successful opening last year, we were inundates with requests for another even. Now is the time to get those tricks down ready for the event. There will be competitons for In-line, skateboarding and BMX, in various age groups. There will also be a DJ, live music, BBQ, Beer tent, Stalls and a fun run. There will be something for everyone, so tell your friends and family. Why not have some fun raising money for YOUR skate park.

Funding update
As you may know we are trying to raise £40,000 for the second phase.
Recently the skatepark working party held a Quiz night and raised £1,200. We are also pleased to report donations from: The rotary club- £500, the airport-£1,000, coop dividend- £5,000. So our total towards the second phase is currently £10,200.